Grants & Fellowships - Undergraduates

Support for Portuguese Cultural Events at CPS

The Center for Portuguese Studies is pleased to announce funding in support of the organization of events at the Institute of European Studies – Center for Portuguese Studies dealing with Portuguese culture, broadly defined. Of particular interest are events that involve the Portuguese-American community and promote the understanding of this community, its history, identity, and culture. Selected organizers will receive free access to the IES meeting room for the event, staff support, and up to $3,000 to cover the event costs. Funding is available for all UC Berkeley faculty and students...

Pinto-Fialon Scholarships (Graduate and Undergraduate)

Pinto-Fialon Scholarships (Graduate and Undergraduate)

The Pinto-Fialon Fund was established thanks to the generosity of Arthur Ferreira Pinto and Annette Fialon. UC Berkeley alumnus and chemist Arthur Ferreira Pinto (1901-1991) was originally from Aveiro, Portugal. He emigrated to the US in 1920, working on farms and sawmills in the Sacramento Delta and taking high school courses at night. Pinto entered the University of California, studying chemistry and despite his hardships graduated in 1942, at age 40. He developed and published a method to analyze copra and oilseeds, and invented and...

Foreign Language and Area Studies Awards

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships provide funding to students to encourage the study of critical and less commonly taught foreign languages in combination with area studies, international studies or international aspects of professional studies. These fellowships are funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. The purpose of the FLAS program is to promote the training of students who intend to make their careers in college or...

IES Research Opportunity Program for Undergraduates

Current Peralta District community college students and recent transfer students to UC Berkeley from any Minority-Serving Institution in the United States with research interests in European Studies, US-European relations and Europe's global impact, broadly defined, are invited to apply to the Berkeley IES Research Opportunity Program. Please submit a resume, cover letter, 3-5 page description of your research project including research plan and a letter of recommendation from your faculty research mentor by February 1, 2024. Two travel awards of $1500 will be made to cover the cost of a...