Global Europe
The Institute of European Studies mobilizes UC Berkeley's singular research resources and faculty expertise, in collaboration with a wide range of research and teaching units on the Berkeley campus, to examine Europe in its global context and train the next generation of scholars to develop the capacity for transatlantic dialogue and cooperation.
Featured Projects
Recent Publications

The Palgrave Handbook on EU Crises (2021), edited by Marianne Riddervold, Jarle Trondal and Akasemi Newsome; chapters by Chris Ansell, Bev Crawford, Martin Shapiro and Matthew Stenberg
Funded by Jean Monnet 2018-2021 grant

The Global #MeToo Movement (2020), edited by Ann Noel and David Oppenheimer
Funded by DAAD 2019-20 grant

Transatlantic Collaboration
IES promotes and strengthens collaborations between researchers at UC Berkeley and their counterparts in Europe, through our bi-lateral grant programs.
Through its annual grant competition, in partnership with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the France-Berkeley Fund seeds innovative, bi-national collaborations in all fields. Learn more
The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study enables UC Berkeley faculty to conduct exploratory and cutting-edge research in tandem with leading researchers from eight higher education institutions in Norway in collaboration with The Norwegian Research Council. Learn more