Support for Portuguese Cultural Events at CPS

The Center for Portuguese Studies is pleased to announce funding in support of the organization of events at the Institute of European Studies – Center for Portuguese Studies dealing with Portuguese culture, broadly defined. Of particular interest are events that involve the Portuguese-American community and promote the understanding of this community, its history, identity, and culture. Selected organizers will receive free access to the IES meeting room for the event, staff support, and up to $3,000 to cover the event costs. Funding is available for all UC Berkeley faculty and students.

Organizers who wish to apply for funding are required to submit a short application letter describing the goal of the event, the participants, expected outcomes, and budget. Upon approval by the CSP Faculty Director, the Center for Portuguese Studies Executive Director will assist with the organization of the event and cover all the costs. No funding will be transferred to the organizers. As a condition of receiving funding, the organizers are required to submit a short report due no later than 1 month after the date of the visit.

Deadline: ongoing