Portugal-Berkeley Travel Fund for Prospective Graduate Students

The Center for Portuguese Studies supports UC Berkeley Departments who wish to invite a prospective doctoral student with an MA degree from a Portuguese university to the UC Berkeley Spring Visit for Prospective Graduate Students. Funding can be requested by Faculty Graduate Student Advisors from all UC Berkeley departments and all disciplines. 

UC Berkeley graduate student advisors who wish to apply for support are required to submit a one-page application letter with indication of the student’s name, date of the Spring Visit, and confirmation that the student successfully completed an MA degree at a Portuguese university. Upon approval by the CSP Faculty Director, the Center for Portuguese Studies Executive Director will provide a Direct Bill-ID to the student to cover the costs of their flight to San Francisco in economy class up to $1,500. All remaining costs relating to the invitation of the prospective graduate student will need to be covered by the UC Berkeley Department. As a condition of receiving funding, awardees are required to submit a short report due no later than 1 month after the date of the visit.

Deadline: March 1