Amedeo Arena

Job title: 
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Naples “Federico II”
Amedeo Arena is Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Naples “Federico II” (est. 1224), where he teaches European Union Law and EU Law in Action. He also serves as Faculty Delegate for International Cooperation and as Academic Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Cooperation Agreement with the Institute of European Studies at UC Berkeley.
He graduated in law summa cum laude from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", holds LLM degrees from King's College London and New York University (where he was also a Fulbright Fellow), and completed a PhD in International and EU Law at "Federico II" University. He is currently Visiting Fellow at the Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre at the European University Institute; he previously held visiting positions at UC Berkeley LawHarvard Law SchoolOxford University IECLUniversity College London, and the University of Tokyo.
He published extensively on antitrust law and competition policy in the EU and the US. His works have been cited by the World Trade Organization (SWP-2018-12) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (DAF/COMP/GF(2019)11), He serves as Advisor to the American Antitrust Institute (Washington DC), the Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies (Chicago), and the Observatory on the Enforcement of Competition Law (Porto). He sits on the Board the European Competition Journal (London), the Market and Competition Law Review (Porto), the Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (Warsaw), and the Harvard Law School Antitrust Association Blog (Cambridge, MA)
He authored several publications on how EU law preempts the law of EU Member States, including a research monograph, a book chapter in the Oxford Principles of European Union Law, and a forthcoming book in the Oxford Studies in European Law Series. His works on this topic have  been cited by the EU Court of Justice (Advocate General Bobek’s Opinion in Case C-2/18), the Court of Appeal of England and Wales (Micula v Romania [2018] EWCA Civ 1801 [168]), and the Portuguese Constitutional Court (acórdão n. 422/2020).
His research also focuses on the application of EU law to purely internal situations, i.e. sets of facts that are confined within a single EU Member State. Drawing upon insights from the US commerce clause, he published a research monograph and a Yearbook of European Law article, which have been cited on multiple occasions by the EU Court of Justice (Advocate General Bobek’s Opinions in Case C-620/19 and in Case C-129/19; Advocate General Szpunar’s Opinion in Case C-311/19).
His most recent publications concern the early stages of the European integration process (1950-1970). He authored an article on the history of Costa v ENEL (aka ‘Europe’s Marbury v Madison’) that has been endorsed by the Historical Archives of the European Union and translated into eight languages. He is currently editing a book on the European Coal and Steel Community and is coordinating a research project on the origins, developments, and perspectives of the Mobilization of EU Law.
He is also interested in the Italian Enlightenment philosopher Gaetano Filangieri (1753-1788), who corresponded with Benjamin Franklin at the time of the Philadelphia Convention. Amedeo Arena established the Filangieri Award for Young Law Graduates and gave several talks on the Filangieri-Franklin correspondence and its significance for transatlantic cooperation.
He is the recipient of several accolades, including the “SIDI 2011” Writing Award by the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law and the “Leonardo da Vinci 2019” Grant by the Italian Ministry of Education University and Research.