The EU Fellowships Program offers professional and personal development opportunities to a small number of staff from the EU Commission or Parliament. On average, 8 Commission or Parliament staff members per year are nominated as EU Fellows and one or two per year are appointed as visiting scholars at IES. During the fellowship, they carry out research on their proposed project as well as undertake outreach work, thus acting as "ambassadors" for the EU.
EU Fellows
Agata Kotkowska, European Commission, Directorate General Environment
Anni Hellman, European Commission, DG CONNECT - Media Convergence and Social Media
Pablo Perez-Illana, European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation
Ewa Ptaszynska, European Commission, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport
Automated and connected-vehicle technologies and their impacts on transforming the road transport sector, its workforce and businesses
Karen Vandekerckhove, European Commission, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, Gender Equality unit
Anti-discrimination based on sex and violence against women, both in the EU and at the international level
Jekaterina Novikova, European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation
"From Research to Market: What the EU Can Learn from the USA"
Lukas Repa, European Commission, Directorate General for Competition
FinTech and Blockchain innovation
Helena Malikova, European Commission, Directorate General for Competition
EU State aid rules governing corporate tax arrangements