Applicants are required to submit a one-page application letter describing the topic of their research presentation and the duration of their intended stay, as well as an invitation letter from a Portuguese faculty member. Upon approval by the CSP Faculty Director, the Center for Portuguese Studies Executive Director will provide a Direct Bill-ID to the Berkeley faculty member to cover the costs of an economy flight to Portugal and a lump sum of $250/day to cover the costs of the stay in Portugal. The maximum amount of funding, including flight costs, is $3,000. UC Berkeley faculty can only apply to the Berkeley-portugal Faculty Mobility Grant once per academic year. Please note that this grant is open exclusively to current faculty members; professor emeriti are not eligible to apply. Within one month of their research presentation, awardees must submit a photo from the event and a 200-word (minimum) report detailing their experience to for inclusion in our annual report.
Deadline: ongoing