Martin Nettesheim

Job title: 
Professor of Law, University of Tuebingen

Martin Nettesheim is currently a professor of law at the University of Tuebingen Law School in Germany. He serves as head of the Tuebingen University Center for International Economic Law. Previously he has taught at Free University in Berlin and at Potsdam University Law School. He is Member of the Board of the European Law Institute, Co-Chair of the Gesellschaft für Rechtspolitik (GfR) and served as Secretary General of the Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE). He served as Dean of Tuebingen University Law School.

Nettesheim is a specialist on European Union Law and International Economic Law. He is editor general of a multi-volume commentary on the Treaty Law of the European Union (Grabitz/Hilf/Nettesheim, Das Recht der Europäischen Union, 3 volumes, 2015) and author of a handbook on the law of the European Union (Oppermann/Classen/Nettesheim, Euroaprecht, 7th ed. 2016).

Among his major publications are: Ziele des Antidumping- und Antisubventionsrechts (1994); Europäische Union und mitgliedstaatliche Daseinsvorsorge (2002); Developing a Theory of Democracy for the European Union, in: Berkeley Journal of International Law 23 (2005), 358; Les services d'intérêt général en droitcommunautaire entre libre concurrence et Etat social, in: Revue internationale de droit comparé 2008, S. 603; Die Integrationsverantwortung, in: NJW 2010, 177 Entflechtung im deutschen Kartellrecht, 2011; Grundrechtsschutz der Privatheit, VVDStRL 70, 2011; Wo „endet“ das Grundgesetz? : Verfassungsgebung als grenzüberschreitender Prozess, in: der Staat  2012, S. 313; Kompetenzdenken als Legitimationsdenken. Zur Ultra-vires-Kontrolle im rechtspluralistischen Umfeld. Juristenzeitung 2014, 585; Privatleben und Privatsphäre (PDF file)(link is external) in: Grabenwarter (Hrsg.): Europäischer Grundrechteschutz. Enzyklopädie Europarecht, 2014, § 9; Gesetzgebungsverfahren im europäischen Staatenverbund - zwischen Voluntarismus und Loyalitätspflicht, 2014.        

Nettesheim has been invited to teach at various universities, such as Berkeley, Nanjing and St. University (Miami). He has repeatedly represented German governmental institutions, such as the Bundestag (German Federal Parliament) and the Government of the State of Baden-Württemberg, in proceedings at the Bundesverfassungsgericht (German Federal Constitutional Court). He has also represented cases at the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. He has also served as an advisor to the European Commission and the European Parliament. Currently, he is working on the new EU rules on banking resolution, specifically on the interaction of fundamental rights and restructuring measures.

Nettesheim is married to Susanna Elm, a UCB professor in the History department. He has a daughter, Clara. Among his hobbies are cycling, skiing and running.