Modern Greek Studies Foundation Fellowship

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In cooperation with the Modern Greek Studies Foundation, IES is pleased to announce a new scholarship for Berkeley graduate students in the Humanities & Social Sciences wishing to do research at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, based in Rethymno, Crete, Greece.

The Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS) was founded in 1985. Its purpose is to support and invigorate research in the field of the human and social sciences, as well as to promote the application of advanced technologies in the field. The objective of the IMS's research programs is to study the geographical space, the history and culture of Greece and the other Mediterranean countries in various historical periods, from prehistory to modern times.

The Modern Greek Studies Foundation Fellowship has a duration of up to three months maximum (shorter stays are possible). Students will need to organize their own flight and accommodations.

This grant can be combined with other IES grants.

PLEASE NOTE: Grant recipients are expected to complete their research stay in residence at the designated partner university during the calendar year they applied for (not the end of the school year).

Award amount: The successful applicant will be offered a travel stipend + a fellowship totaling $5000. The total amount of the fellowship will be paid to the successful applicant by IES in the form of a stipend and comes with the commitment to give a public presentation of the research project at IES, either before or after the research stay at IMS.

Eligibility: Open to UC Berkeley graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Preference will be given to Berkeley students who can demonstrate in their application that they already have a faculty contact at IMS.

Application Instructions

Applicants must submit the following materials:

1.    A one-page application letter, including a 100-word (maximum) abstract of your research and indication of the duration of your stay;

2.    A research statement of approximately 1,500 words;

3.    One letter of recommendation from a UC Berkeley faculty member; this letter should be sent to

4.    One short letter (or e-mail) to you from a research supervisor at IMS, indicating the duration of your stay;

5.    A short CV

Deadline: April 1

For more information about the Modern Greek Studies Foundation Fellowship, please contact Prof. Christine Philliou at and Gelina Harlaftis, Director of IMS, at