The Nordic Center compiles and offers internship and full-time employment opportunities with Nordic employers for students to work in the Nordic countries and experience life in the Nordics. The Nordic Center also infuses relevant Nordic content within existing curricula across and supports the development of Nordic-focused curricular offerings. The Nordic Center is the base for Nordic students visiting the University of California and will foster their engagement at UC Berkeley and beyond.
Grant Opportunities
Language Course Incentive Grant
Nordic Center grant for successfully completing a language course in a Nordic Language prior to study abroad in a Nordic country, $1000.
Advanced Language Study Grant
This scholarship, up to $5000, is meant for the continuation and professionalization of a Nordic language.
Summer Language Course Grant
Grant up to $2000, provides funding to students to encourage summer study of a Nordic language in the respective Nordic country.
Concurrent Enrollment Language Course Grant
This scholarship, up to $4000, is meant for covering all fees connected with enrolling in a language course in a Nordic country during the cadmic year of 2022 - 2023.